Blogs, Guest Podcasts
Feeling stuck on the sidelines of your self-employment dreams?
Our blogs and guest podcasts are your guide to tackling the financial fears that hold you back from entrepreneurship.
Learn how to conquer those money worries.
Gain the confidence to quit your job and become your own boss.
Managing your business finances like a pro
Think of our blog as your “Financial Fast Track Pass” to becoming self-employment!

Bridge Jobs: Your Stepping Stone to Entrepreneurial Success
Bridge Jobs can be a stepping stone to your entrepreneurial journey if you can’t quit your job. Learn how to pick bridge jobs to accelerate your future

5 Numbers You Need to Know BEFORE Becoming Self-Employed
Thinking of becoming self-employed? Make sure you know these 5 key financial numbers first! Learn how to calculate your average monthly spending, savings, debt-to-income ratio, net worth, and credit score to ensure a smooth transition to self-employment.

Layoff Survival Guide: 7 Steps to Protect Your Finances
The threat of a layoff can strike fear in the most seasoned career professional. Don’t be caught off guard, read on for tips and tricks to prepare for a layoff .