Imagine Never Dreading Monday Again: Build the Financial Plan to Do What You Love
Wouldn't it be great to wake up on Monday morning feeling excited and ready to tackle the day?
We'll help you build a strong financial foundation so that when you become self-employed,
you can focus on growing your business instead of being stressed about your bills.
If you’d like to learn a little bit more about me click below…
To quote from the movie Taken: “I have a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.” Unlike Neeson, the only thing my skills kill are the roadblocks preventing you from living your calling to launch your coaching business 😀. My skills:
20+ years of financial industry experience.
Financially coached thousands at several Fortune 500 companies which grew my expertise in corporate benefits and helping employees plan job exit strategies
Partnered with a organization to teach people how to design a plan for their lives
My own incredibly frustrating journey of trying to find resources to help me create my own job exit plan so I could transition from corporate employee to coaching entrepreneur. Ironicallly I became my own client
The equal frustration of having so many come to me for help only to find the existing advice overly simplistic (just dream it and it will come true) or insanely complex (like a business plan that's written for a Phd in Finance)
My belief that anyone courageous and compassionate enough to want to share their lives with others should be given the best chance of success to launch their business
How I know what I know (aside from my 20+ years of experience)
Compassionate Straightforwardness -Kindness and honesty can peacefully co-exist
Turning Complexity Into Action-Moving from analysis paralysis to action
Honor everyone’s place in their journey- meeting and respecting where people are in their journey
Contagious Authentic Integrity-Imperfectly being myself to inspire others to do the same
Empowering Personal Agency- Helping you confidently take control of your finances so you can boldly take control of your future
I gave my life to Christ when I was 30- to say I was a hot mess before is an understatement, so I am a "judgment and shame-free space" - you are welcomed exactly as you
At one point, my husband and I were over $100K in debt due to frankly really bad choices, and we paid it all off, so you are free to be your "money imperfect self."
I made leaps of faith in different seasons of my life- single, newly married, young family, and seasoned professional- I'm sensitive to the challenges of each season
I'm a mom in so many incredible ways- step, bio, foster/adoption- all teen and young adult ladies, so life is never boring.
Once I was married every leap I made was a team decision and effort.
I love chocolate, no, I mean I really, really love chocolate.
I think you are amazing. The compassion and courage it takes to pursue your calling to help others is admirable. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
Are you curious my journey? Read on…
The early years…
My earliest money memory was watching my mom sit at our kitchen table, face filled with despair, looking down at the bills spread around her, and occasionally looking at a picture on the wall that said, “Lord, help me hang on one more day.”
She never verbalized it, but I learned that poverty was inevitable and that those with money were either lucky or corrupt. This was the extent of my childhood money lessons.
My First Financial Plan (Hint: It was a punishment)
Later, I joined the military and quickly got into debt. When the bill came, I decided paying it was optional (as they say in the South, bless my heart). My creditors disagreed and sent my unpaid bill to my commander.
My commander’s “punishment” (I still feel sorry for him- I was a mess) was to create a debt payoff and savings plan. A year into my plan, my grandmother died. The plan allowed me to pay for the costs of me and my mother to attend the funeral.
It was the first time I saw the power money choices had on my ability to make meaningful life decisions and care for those I love.
The lesson stuck, and when I left the military, I began my now 20+ career in the financial service industry.
A Performance Review "From Hell" That Sparked My Self-Employment Glow-Up 🔥
Have you ever felt undervalued and stuck in a job that just doesn't light you up? I totally get that feeling. I had a performance review where I was labeled as "lacking team spirit" simply because I dared to give six weeks' notice about possibly missing a meeting due to my home closing. You can probably understand why I still label it the "Performance Review from Hell."
That Ah-Ha (OK, keeping it real- the "Aw Hell No") moment highlighted the red flags I had ignored. It was the cosmic kick in the pants I needed to become self-employed. So, I crafted a plan to get financially ready to leave my job and launch my financial coaching business.
I wish I could say I rode off into the entrepreneurial sunset on a unicorn. It felt more like a bumpy ride on a donkey with a questionable sense of direction. (Hey, nobody said self-employment was easy!) I faced challenges and setbacks. I even briefly detoured back into the land of Zoom meetings and endless email chains.
But here's the thing: even during my "detour," I found myself helping others create job exit financial plans. I used the combination of my own experiences & the experience of helping others to create The L.E.A.P. Financial Framework℠. It's a planning method designed to address the unique and often overlooked financial challenges people face when getting financially ready to quit their jobs and become self-employed.
I used that same framework to quit my job (again!) and relaunch my business, laser-focused on helping women over 40 become self-employed.
So, if you are ready to write your own "escape from the corporate hamster wheel" story, Let's do this! I'll be your cheerleader and guide to help financially build the self-employed life you crave.
“Your business is the answer to the prayer of those you’re meant to serve.
Your finances shouldn’t be the reason why you don’t answer.”
— Tania P. Brown